Copyright © Team Hoyt Canada. All rights reserved.

Team Hoyt Canada

Industry-best Quality

We never cut corners on a job, and we never will.

Team hoyt running chairs

Building Inclusive communities in canAda

Happiness... consists in giving, and in serving others.
                           Henry Drummond


                                                Donate with PayPal to Team Hoyt Canada.
                                                       Your support is greatly appreciated.



E-mail us about corporate sponsorship packages.


Donations (cheques) can be mail to: 
Att: Team Hoyt Canada
907 Michigan Ave.,
Point Edward ON,
N7V 1H2

Team Hoyt Canada could not succeed at its mission without the support of our donors. One has only to spend a day at one of our races to truly appreciate the logistics & the costs involved to provide the best race experience for our participants. In order to help you better understand our funding needs, we are providing you with the following brief summary. All our Board Members are volunteers and do not get reimbursed for their time.

Donated funds are used directly for the following expenses:
1. Race equipment purchases – typical costs include:

Adaptive Star “Axiom Endeavor” Racing Chair - $1900 each

Team Hoyt Running Chair - $4200 each
West Marine Sport Dinghy - $700 each
Adaptive Star Running/bike trailer - $4800 each

2. Race day registration fees

Ranges any where from $40 pp to $100 pp depending on the event.

3. Race day related costs

This can include everything from Expo fees to hiring tents & heaters for our participants. These costs can run between $250-$1000 per event.

4. Hospitality

We make a concerted effort to make sure our participants & their families are taken care of on race day. A hospitality tent for riders, their families and pushers will be provided.

With this in mind that we ask that you support our efforts to fulfill our mission! If you or your company is interested in sponsorship opportunities with Team Hoyt Canada, please e-mail us for more details.